Journey to Living Minimal

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted, of course there are all kinds of crazy things I could share that have happened since the last post, however the only thing I can focus on right now is getting rid of my crap and getting organized!

It started as just tidying up. I started sorting some things and ultimately threw the whole lot in the garbage. Dang, it felt good, there was an unexpected boost to my motivation and I found myself unable to sit down, I would keep thinking of another little corner that needed clearing out and get right to it.

I’ve realized that all of the things we accumulate weigh us down and hold us back, adding to anxiety and stress. I guess the saying is true about cluttered life-cluttered mind.

So far I have donated or given away about 70 percent of my CD’s, DVD’s, VHS tapes, etc. I decided which one’s we really like and have actually watched more than once and will so again- the rest…. GONE I’m actually able to get rid of a storage cabinet from my living room! I’m letting my son take it and sell it.

I realize I could make some money from this stuff, but I don’t want the hassle, I just want it gone.

We also donated books, clothes, and trinkets to our Church for their annual garage sale.

I have been going through my kitchen and getting rid of lots of stuff… my son has happily taken most of it to his house to use. I decided I only need a maximum of 8 place settings of dishes and silverware. There’s only 2 of us here now, and if we have more than 6 guests we can use paper. I have my favorite food storage containers that nest with the lids on! The rest left the premises. The lids with no containers and vice versa…. garbage! There’s no hope of ever finding their mates.

All those cups from Fairs, parades, hospitals, and other events. We NEVER use them…. GONE!

I don’t know if I’ll be one of those people with only 42 possessions, but I would like to get a heck of a lot closer than I am now!

Oh… I’m also simplifying meals and grocery shopping, but I’ll get into that more later.

Wish me luck!

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